Robert Mishou » Block Four AP Language and Composition

Block Four AP Language and Composition

Grade Level: 12; Course Credit: 10; Dual Credit Eligible; Prerequisite: Honors English I, II or Teacher
recommendation in English III
This course will engage students in reading a variety of mostly non-fiction prose and will help them to become
skilled writers. Both the reading and writing portions will make students aware of the interaction between a writer's
purpose, the audience, and the conventions of different genres. This course may be taken during students' senior
year. The course is designed to challenge students who desire to continue their English studies in a highly
rigorous environment. Students will be given the opportunity to take the AP English Language and Composition
exam at year's end, but it is not a requirement that they do so. Three dual credit hours offered through UNK (ENG
102). The level of difficulty is college freshman level.
Remind code: @haak7dd9gd
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