Monarch tagging event at KOLA

Monarch tagging event at KOLA
9/21/2024, 1:00 PM 4:00 PM
Kearney Outdoor Learning Area

People of all ages and abilities are invited to Kearney Outdoor Learning Area (KOLA)
south of Kearney High School to contribute to two community science projects -
Monarch Watch and Bumble Bee Atlas - on Saturday, September 21. Volunteers are
needed to catch and document monarchs and bumble bees with nets and other
equipment provided by staff from Rowe Sanctuary. Rowe staff will demonstrate the
basics of surveying insects, and how to identify and collect data according to project
methods. Participants are asked to wear long pants and closed-toe shoes, insect
repellent, sunscreen, and bring a water bottle. No prior experience is required.

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