Mission/Vision/Core Belief
At Kearney High School, we believe in a cohesive culture that focuses on positive social and emotional development and rigorous academic expectations which lead to college and career readiness.
1). Social / Emotional Development:
Stakeholders will assist students in the development of their awareness and understanding of personal, social and academic learning specific to developmental needs. The intention is for all students to attain the skills to be self aware, self manageable, be responsible decision makers, build relationship skills and be socially aware. All stakeholders will be safe, respectful and responsible.
2). College and Career Readiness:
At Kearney High School, we will deliver a targeted educational model that focuses on a robust college and career education program for all students.
3). Collaborative Teaching and Learning Communities:
Faculty will develop and participate in a collaborative teaching community to improve instruction and student learning.
These three core tenants are supported in the Kearney Public Schools Strategic Plan, AdvancED (accreditation) / AQuESTT (accountability) processes and in our Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS).