Brian Haas
My Courses
Grade Level: 11,12 ; Course Credit: 5 ; Prerequisite: Intro to Health and PE
Outdoor Pursuits is designed to offer students the knowledge and experience necessary to participate in a variety of outdoor activities, including but not limited to fishing, kayaking, archery, orienteering, etc. Coursework will include classroom activities, field experiences, guest speakers and video lessons. This course counts towards the 15 credit requirement. This course may be repeated after the 15 credit requirement for Physical Education is met and credit would be counted as elective credit. Off campus transportation is required.
Grade Level: 10,11,12 ; Course Credit: 5 ; Prerequisite: Intro to Health and PE
Introduction to Sports Medicine is a course developed for students interested in the sports medicine field (i.e. athletic training, sports physical therapy, orthopedic medicine). Students taking the course should possess a sincere interest in sports and athletic-related injuries. Career opportunities, terminology, anatomy, first aid, and principles of rehabilitation are just a few of the subjects covered in this course. Grading will include exams, quizzes, lab exams, and a research project.