Nicholas Knuth » Welcome Page - Mr. Knuth

Welcome Page - Mr. Knuth

Hello! My name is Nicholas Knuth and I am a Social Science Teacher at Kearney High School. My classes consist of World History and World Geography. I have been teaching since 2024 and Kearney Public Schools is the only district I've taught in. I attended UNK for my undergraduate and graduate degrees in history.  My wife works at the Buckle corporate office and we have one daughter. I am excited to be a part of this team and look forward to the school year. 
2024-2025 Schedule
Room B203 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Term 4
Block 1
Geography Geography Plan Plan
Block 2 Plan Plan Geography Geography
Block 3 World History World History WIN Geography
Block 4 Geography Geography Geography Geography 
Block 5 World History World History World History World History
The best time to reach me is in the morning between 7:00 and 8:00 am by email ([email protected]) or after school between 3:41 and 4:30.